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Iranian FM, Hezbollah Leader Discuss Regional Developments

Iranian FM, Hezbollah Leader Discuss Regional Developments

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement Seyed Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian met in Beirut on Thursday for talks on the latest regional developments. 

The top Iranian diplomat and the Hezbollah chief exchanged views on regional issues, with a particular focus on Palestine and Lebanon, according to Iran's Ambassador to Beirut, Mojtaba Amani.

Amani stated that Amirabdollahian and Nasrallah also discussed potential future events in the region, efforts to halt Israel's atrocities against Gaza, possible scenarios regarding the ongoing war, and the global collective responsibility concerning "the historic and determining development."

On Wednesday, Amirabdollahian engaged in talks with Ziad al-Nakhala, Secretary General of the Gaza-based Islamic Jihad movement, Khalil al-Hayya, deputy chief of the political bureau of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in Gaza, and other officials from these groups in Beirut.

Discussions during these meetings covered recent field developments in Gaza, the temporary truce, efforts to extend it, and the dispatch of humanitarian aid to the oppressed Palestinian population.

Earlier on Wednesday, Hamas announced a four-day humanitarian ceasefire agreement with Israel, facilitated through intensive mediation by Qatar and Egypt.

The Iranian foreign minister also held separate meetings with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri.


This article was published in Tasnim News Agency and is re published here under a creative commons license. 


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